For Advisors
Subject Line: Wednesday’s Complimentary Federal Employee Benefit Symposium Webinar
Hello (Fed First Name)
Thank you for registering for our Federal Employee Benefit Symposium Webinar, which will be held this coming Wednesday at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. The webinar hosts will be Vincent J. Bono, J.D., Val Majewski and Carolyn Marie Tobin. Utilizing these complimentary webinars, Carolyn, Val and Vince have shown over 250,000 federal employees how to build a “Bullet-Proof” Federal Retirement. If for some reason you can not locate the Webinar Log-In credentials, please go to where you will also find the Topics that will be covered during the Webinar.
Federal Employee Advocates offers a variety of free services to federal employees, such as our proprietary online federal retirement planning calculator, which is totally unique from anything you have ever seen. This calculator is a fantastic retirement planning tool that when used properly, will get you on the road to building that “Bullet-Proof” federal retirement. We also recently published the complimentary 45 page eBook “The Federal Employee Benefit Maximization Guide”.
Please email a good date and time next week for me to call you, as well as the best phone number you can be reached at, so I can show you how to use the calculator effectively, and tell you about the other free services we offer federal employees. This will be 15 minutes well spent!
John Q Advisor
Your Approved Federal Employee Advocates Advisor
For Appointment Setters (Same Subject Line)
Hello (Fed First Name)
Thank you for registering for our complimentary Federal Employee Benefit Symposium Webinar, which will be held this coming Wednesday at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. The webinar hosts will be Vincent J. Bono, J.D., Val Majewski, and Carolyn Marie Tobin. Utilizing these complimentary webinars, Carolyn, Val and Vince have shown over 250,000 federal employees how to build a “Bullet-Proof” Federal Retirement. If for some reason you can not locate the Webinar Log-In credentials, please go to where you will also find the Topics that will be covered during the Webinar.
Federal Employee Advocates offers a variety of free services to federal employees, such as our proprietary online federal retirement planning calculator, which is totally unique from anything you have ever seen. This calculator is a fantastic retirement planning tool that when used properly, will get you on the road to building that “Bullet-Proof” federal retirement. We also published the complimentary 45 page eBook “The Federal Employee Benefit Maximization Guide”.
Please email me a good date and time next week for your Approved Webinar Host John Q. Advisor to call you, as well as the best phone number you can be reached at, so he/she can show you how to use the calculator effectively, and tell you about the other free services we offer federal employees. This will be 15 minutes well spent!
Appointment Setter Name