Your best TSP Retirement Income Option might surprise you!

FERS and CSRS are pure income and a wonderful core Federal benefit. The same can be said for Social Security. The flaw is that these income streams are not likely to keep up with the true cost of living over time. This is where TSP comes in. As a manageable asset TSP has the potential … Read more

Very Dangerous TSP Advice

“If I’m planning to start drawing from TSP in 2022 (I will be 58 years old and am in FERS), do you recommend I be in the L2020 fund now…based on I’m currently 50 years old and planning to start drawing at age 58?” Answer: “Given that you are 50 years old and plan to … Read more

TSP Fuzzy Math

Looking at average rate of return numbers to evaluate an investment is universally accepted, but unfortunately not an accurate gauge of actual returns. Here is an example of what I mean: A +50% gain in one year followed by a -50% loss the next year, is a zero average percentage and would be reported as … Read more