The best places for a federal employee to retire

Most pre-retirement planning meetings we have with Federal Employees primarily focus on deciding at what age to retire or what the approximate expected income will be. These are critical questions to discuss prior to approaching your retirement. Yet, there is another question that should be part of the planning process: Where to retire? There are … Read more

Another huge mistake federal employees make with their TSP-Part IV

This is the fourth segment of “The 20 biggest mistakes federal employees make with their TSP”: “CHASING THE FUND WITH THE BEST PERFORMANCE LAST YEAR” This is an understandable mistake – but a mistake nonetheless. The performance of each TSP fund is listed on the TSP website . When trying to figure out which funds … Read more

Another big mistake federal employees make with their TSP-Part III

This is the third segment of “The 20 biggest mistakes federal employees make with their TSP”. Last week I wrote about two big mistakes; “Thinking you can take distributions from your TSP any time you want” and  “Wrong timing of your TSP contributions can mean Forfeiture of matching contributions”. Next week I will discuss the mistakes … Read more