Misconceptions about your TSP

“Thinking you can take distributions from your TSP any time you want” Your TSP is yours so you can withdraw funds whenever you want – right? WRONG. The TSP is very restrictive about taking distributions. While you are still working, TSP largely follows the IRS rules for all retirement plans, but once you are retired, … Read more

Exactly how much are you overpaying for FEGLI?

Below you will a comparison of FEGLI rates Vs a private insurance carrier using four different age groups. The savings are startling and could be used to help add additional money to your TSP, or pay down all of your debt! FEGLI has its fair share of “bright points” but generally speaking price is not … Read more

Sage Advice from a Top Financial Planner

Note this article is going to be read by different people, some of whom were recently hired by a Federal agency and by others who are clocking their 25th or 30th year at work. These rules of thumb, therefore, should be used with a degree of caution. Not because they are inaccurate or unhelpful but … Read more